How To Know A Spirit Filled Church Las Vegas

By Stephanie Olson

As more and more churches are built, the possibility that some of them are raised out of selfish ambition is high. Ordinarily, one should be happy at the sight of a new church building but the problem is that many of them are being built purely for profit-making. These are the types where the Holy Spirit is lacking at the end of the day. Consequently, it has taken a lot of Christians more time in choosing a place where they would love to worship frequently. No matter how hard it seems to find one, you can still be assured that the good ones still exist and can be easily found by looking out for the properties of a spirit filled church Las Vegas

Number one thing you should check in the church is the quality of leadership. If you attend a church whose pastor or leadership is confused, you can be quite sure that the Spirit isn't there. Moreover, if the church has two pastors who are always in disagreement, you can be assured that they wouldn't have much to offer to the members.

Moreover, the church must have a good prayer life. Any church that does not pray cannot avoid the attacks of the enemy. There should be at least one day of the week for praying and even on Sundays, some time should be dedicated to this. Those that make up the leadership of the church in various wings must find time before any service to pray together.

Love is the major subject of any gathering that is led by God. It was love that made the followers of Christ increase greatly in number after his ascension. When there are people who love as Christ loves, there will hardly be some lack because people are ready to take up the burdens of other members. There will be no such thing as hunger or lack of shelter if someone is capable of helping out.

Praising and worshipping the Lord is also prioritized and because the song leaders are also filled with the Holy Ghost, they can cause open heavens with their songs. The members themselves having been affected by the lives of the pastors and leaders can easily connect in the presence of God. This brings about great miracles and people see new changes in their lives.

Furthermore, the pastor preaches the right message. And whenever he wants to assign the task to someone else, he is careful not to invite a speaker who does not study the Bible. The Bible, which is the word of God, is the major source of direction in any church that is filled with the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, you should look for a place that prioritizes evangelism. There are lost souls out there and the Lord is not happy about it. This means that it will be unreasonable to say that God dwells with a set of people if he doesn't instruct them to organize programs targeted at seeking the lost. Even in difficult situations such as persecution, they will not be found wanting in this mission.

Worshipping God in an atmosphere where he reigns is the best way to get his blessings. If you are concerned about real fellowship with the creator of the universe and man, you wouldn't find it daunting to take your time in the search. Fellowshipping with the body of Christ is one of the most essential ways by which you can preserve your soul and guarantee your place in Heaven.

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