Discovering A Non Traditional Listening Therapy And Program

By Amy Watson

When looking for therapies for an autistic child, parents have a number of options. One of the newest is that of a Non traditional listening therapy. While there are a number of different therapies and programs of this nature, some are better than others. In most cases, these are known as auditory integration therapies.

Most often, these type therapies fall under the umbrella of auditory training programs. Two of the most popular of these methods are Tomatis and Somonas sound therapies. While becoming more popular, there has been very little research as to the effectiveness of either program.

The debate as to whether these programs can help autistic children continues to be an ongoing one. For, while some parents and therapists have seen progress using these type therapies, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not promote or support programs of this nature. While this is the case, there are still others whom believe the programs and therapies can provide tools necessary to help autistic children deal with a variety of difficulties which may arise as children and adults.

As with most programs of this nature, some children respond more positively than others. While this is the case, it is not only whether or not the programs are effective but also the cost involved. For, in a number of cases, these type therapies can be extremely expensive.

If a provider is honest and focused on the well being of a child, chances are the therapy will be priced in a way that is affordable. Whereas, if parents are required to purchase expensive products on an ongoing basis, then it is important to be cautious and ask questions. In addition, it is important to be aware of an existing therapist who wants incorporate one of these programs into existing therapies. For, while some may be doing so for the benefit of the child, others could just be trying to find ways to increase income.

Before enrolling a child in this type therapy, it is often advised that parents obtain a second opinion. Whereas, if the child is undergoing medical treatment, it is important to check with the primary health care provider as to whether the therapy may be appropriate considering other health issues.

In a lot of areas, therapists and parents are drawn to these type therapies by professionals whom care more about money than clients. As such, it is important that before beginning a program or therapy in this area to check the legitimacy of the practitioner and ask to see proven results. For while not all can cause harm, most drain income and time from interested parties on an ongoing basis.

Programs which do pose harm to parents, therapists and children can do so in different ways. Whether by making false promises related to hopes and dreams that a child may be healed, or creating an environment in which a child can not progress with learning abilities, these are just a few dangerous aspects which exist in a number of these type programs.

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