How NYC Dialectical Behavior Therapy Helps Patients Recover From Destructive Lives

By Joyce Sanders

Countless people suffer from one or more forms of mental illness. Many tend to hurt themselves, others are chronically suicidal and many others display unacceptable behavioural patterns. Yet others abuse substances and behave in a destructive manner. These sufferers have always been excluded from society. They are seen as disturbed individuals that behave in a disruptive manner because they want to do so. In NYC dialectical behavior therapy, DBT, has helped countless patients to make positive changes in their lives.

DBT methods were first developed by Marsha Linehan, associated with the Washington University. Her initial goal was to develop a way to treat patients with borderline personality disorders. Very soon, however, studies and empirical research showed that this method is also highly effective in treating patients with a wide variety of disorders, including chronically suicidal patients and those with severe mood swings and tendencies to harm themselves physically.

DBT is a fusion of standard cognitive techniques that are used to help patients regulate their emotions. However, these techniques are augmented by further methods derived from meditative Buddhist practices. Patients are introduced to the concepts of distress tolerance, mental awareness and acceptance. Clinical tests have shown that this combination of treatment techniques produce extremely positive results with fewer patients attempting suicide or self harm and a much lower drop out rate from treatment programs.

There are two main components to a DBT treatment program. The first is individual psychotherapy sessions once a week. During these sessions the patient is taught techniques to help him take control of his emotional state, to react to stressful situations in a positive manner and to devise ways in which to make life worth living. Patients are also encouraged to examine the causes of the destructive behavioural patterns.

The second components of DBT is weekly group sessions. Sessions generally last two and a half hours. Patients are encouraged to interact with each other and to share their emotions. Patients are also equipped with skills on coping with coping with distress, regulating and controlling their emotions and how to face reality. A high emphasis is also placed on teaching patients to develop effective interpersonal skills.

Treatment programs are not scheduled for specific periods. Each patient progress at the pace that is comfortable to him. Typically, however, patients need to be part of a formal treatment program for at least six months. In some cases it can be significantly longer, especially if the patient is not motivated to succeed. Patients that recognize the fact that they have a problem progress much quicker.

Critics of DBT say that treatment programs tend to focus on specific disorders, such as suicidal tendencies, but that most mentally disturbed patients suffer from a complex variety of mental health problems. They also say that not enough research have been conducted to conclusively prove that DBT produces results. In addition, very little research have been done to follow up on patients after completing their treatment programs.

There can be no doubt that numerous patients have been helped by DBT. Most of them will be able to lead productive lives and to act as responsible members of society. It is important to keep in mind that these patients suffer from a recognized condition. It can be treated, just like a medical condition can be treated.

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