Why Normal Christianity Found In The Psalms Is Needed Today

By Mark Reed

Poetry once used to be the tribal communication module, a very ancient form of mnemonics with rhyme and metering. When history was the spoken word, it was important to couch it in easy to remember, and later iterations took in beautiful letters. Luckily, poetic techniques like rhyme also spelled the most beautiful ways of expressing concepts that could range from simple to complex.

From the ancients came the base hearth laws later adapted by Christians, and these were based on reason and universal orders. When studied in their original configurations, these would probably sound very like normal Christianity found in the Psalms. And along with the tenets of the Christian testament, they form the most evolved concepts that can be found in the Bible.

Iudea is probably the contemporary civilization being referenced here, the Roman territory run by a royal Jewish proxy. Those laws, then, conformed to the definitions of the contemporaneity. And beauty was in full use, the mind stretching towards a vision of how life could be heavenly when all the tenets are followed by an entire human civilization.

The concepts being discussed probably needed two Christian millennia to be accepted as a normal way of seeing for all humans. However wars had to be fought, generations wasted and misfits born, evil taking over kings and emperors and their retinues before people realized what was wrong. The correct concepts could have been hardwired on the racial consciousness by mountains of dead bodies and rivers of blood running from them, and many wastelands.

Normal Christianity is the total celebration of life, love and laughter. These values are primary ones in Psalms and the Songs of Solomon, no matter how the times called for David to gird his loins and be prepared to do battle to preserve the human paradise that he first conceptualized. The final redaction of his words was probably done during the ministry of Jesus.

The one thing that normal Christianity may have done is keep believers firmly connected to the fundamentals of peaceful and harmonious living even in times of great stress, a mission it has accomplished well. But then, more things need to done along these lines today. That makes Psalms and its lessons a still very important book for living the true Christian life.

Studying the Psalms and relevant commentaries will be excellent. Because it has been redacted to address all the complex issues of that day, the Psalms have the flavor of maturity and wisdom that cannot be found in many Old Testament passages, even those that were originally done in verse. Poetics perhaps made a departure from this Biblical turning point, and the older oral histories without the beautiful element started being classified as verse.

Literature in sundry directions after this focal turning point, even as they were closely allied to active Christian movements. Those who want a deeper understanding of the passages in Psalms need to study continuously. It is something that the faithful can practice with great results.

The most useful Bibles to read are probably the NRSV or NASB, with some referencing to old King James passages. Nowadays, though, all kinds of Bibles available are often a certain standard preferred for historical or academic concerns. Free copies are distributed by many groups.

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