How To Be Part Of The Faith Christian Church

By George Cooper

A lot of sinners prayed to God, asking for their salvation. They want to have a comfortable life. They want to sustain their needs. They like to achieve their dreams. Truly, having that kind of goals and ambitions in life are quite attractive. In fact, the Lord Almighty can always give it to you. However, do not get the wrong impression.

He might support you, however, at the end, you are the only one who could create your own destiny. Furthermore, you need to realize that God is not an automatic teller machine. He was the creator of the world and the entire universe. Therefore, do not try to treat Him like a second character. Someone who is always there just to support you. Try to review and assess again your faith and love for Him. Identify how deep you feeling to the Lord. There are times in which you cannot find the answer on your own. Therefore, if you are looking for some help, you should visit some congregation. You have the faith Christian church Wichita KS.

He is coming very soon. Before you store a lot of material things in this world, try to store priceless memories. Those memories that are highly considered as gold in heaven. This is just a temporary world. No matter how much you work hard to attain your dream, you can lose all of those materialistic things in just a blink of an eye.

It goes down until it corrupts everybody. It is curable, though. God live a cure for it. To be precise, Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed His life just to be a cure for your illness. He did it to save you, to save the entire world. You need to be grateful enough.

Love is not all about praying to God. You cannot just pray to Him and blame Him all the negative things that happen to your life. That is not loving. You are only expressing your selfish desire to obtain a comfortable life. You see, everyone Here in this world wants to live a comfortable life. The Lord can give you that.

Fortunately, Jesus Christ is not like that. He gives you light and love. That is why, right now, make sure to change your ways. Imagine how deep His love to you. You should accept it. Understand what it means to love your Lord. Know what it takes to love Jesus Christ. You cannot just call Him every time you need something.

If you think that loving Lord is all about that, your emotions and your feelings are too shallow. As for now, the most effective way of loving Him is by staying away from sins. Truly, in the world today, getting such kind of response might be quite impossible. You see, it is already starting. Almost all people think that committing a sin is normal.

They thought that cursing one another is normal. Most of the people today become quite selfish. Try to look around you. Equalities exist. There are lots of kids who are starving in the street. People who are well dressed did not even pay attention to these unfortunate children. There are lots of abusive firms and companies.

God can feel pain too. He might be too powerful, however, it does not really mean that He cannot feel anything. He feels pain, sadness, and happiness too just like you. Therefore, try not to treat Him as a wishing well. Having such kind of one sided relationship is not love at all. It is just selfishness.

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