The Foursquare Churches In Las Vegas

By Helen Roberts

The name Foursquare church is the short form of International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. The full name is often abbreviated as ICFG. ICFG is a Protestant evangelical Pentecostal Christian denomination that was founded by A preacher named Aimee Semple McPherson in the year 1923. Its global membership in 2000 totaled some 8 million people. It has a presence in more than 144 countries and the number of churches is over 60, 000.

In the United States alone, the estimated number of members of this denomination exceeded 353, 995 people. Members are fairly distributed in entire country even though more churches have been observed to be concentrated on the West Coast. California, Washington, Montana, Oregon, and Hawaii are among the states with highest numbers of members. Therefore, when looking for Foursquare churches in Las Vegas, one should not have a very hard time finding most of them.

The headquarters of the church is in Los Angeles in the state of California. The headquarters has been in that city for quite some time now. The name Foursquare derives from the four-fold ministry of Jesus. The four pillars of the ministry of Jesus Christ are Jesus as the Soon-coming King, Healer, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, and the Savior.

The compilation called the Declaration of Faith is an expression of beliefs followed in the ICFG church. Declaration of Faith was compiled by Aimee McPherson herself. Besides the Declaration of Faith, McPherson also wrote the creedal statement. These two compilation help leaders in the church to lead the congregation and the congregation to believe in God. The belief system in this church is based on the doctrine of Holy Trinity, deity of Jesus, and verbal inspiration of Bible.

The denomination believes that man was created following the likeness of God but became sinful and depraved as result of the Fall. However, the sins of man were atoned for when Jesus died on the cross. Justification of faith occurs when believers repent their sins to be reborn again and accept Jesus as their savior. It is believed that humans can still backslide and commit sin even after salvation.

The Foursquare Convention is the highest body responsible for making decisions in this church. Leaders are voted into office biannually by members of the convention. Membership of this convention comprises of foreign officers and licensed ministers. The convention also receives one voting delegate from a group of fifty churches in the US. Internationally, only one delegate is accepted into the convention from each nation in which the denomination is based.

Management of ICFG churches is in the hands of a board of directors which is composed of between 12 to 20 people. This board is in charge of appointing officers and ordaining and licensing ministers. Board members comprise of a president, vice president, and a minimum of 9 ministers who represent geographic regions. Members of this church in good standing may also serve on the board when appointed.

The main subdivisions in the US church are individual churches, districts, and divisions. There are leaders who oversee the various divisions. The management structure of the church is very comprehensive to enhance decision making processes.

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