The Fuss Behind The Practices Of A Theta Healing Practitioner

By Dennis Morris

There was once a lady known as Vianna Stibal and was famous in 1995 for the headline that Stibal has treated the tumor in the leg and that the tactic was through the use of Theta Healing. The woman has been considered a naturopath and that implies her specialty in natural cures for the patients. Her technique was said as a meditation or spiritual philosophy. They have the purpose of bringing themselves together to the said Creator. This has no apparent religion similarity.

To treat life with optimism using the spirit, mind, and body, is its method. Going further, one has to be curious about what is the fuss behind the practices of a Theta Healing practitioner. Answers in words may seem insufficient but the hardest part of understanding this is through believing and concentrating.

The similar stuff to talk about them is their Creator. They may be zero historical or scientific background about this but they consider Creator as the spirit that has the ability to intertwine human beings. Prayers are also welcome during meditating too. These are what keeps them in sync.

Theta was taken from the concept of brain waves. Patterns in the brain activity characterize them. The Theta has been one category in brain waves. For reference, it means drowsiness, inhibition, and inactivity with the stimuli to react all. For short, healing wants to excite the wave of the brain.

Other benefit includes the activation of DNA. The DNA needs to be in its full potential for this to happen. Three ways can be done for activation which is anyone, a group conscience, and Earth Schumann waves. To survive of the poison of the environment is the benefit and also to open the psychic sense.

In doing the practice, there lies a way to learn them by yourself. An individual still has to go through a seminar for this but once the basic DNA 3 day seminar is done, one can gain access on how to perform alone or with other people. Keep in mind that in doing this, look for a person you are comfortable to be with. Communicating with the practitioners is a good way of adjustment.

There are a lot to expect during seminars but do not expect each to be the same. They could ask for personal issues but always answer honestly for the meditation to happen. You never know that the procedure could end up with personal matters.

Vianna Stibal, however, received negative reviews from some people who have listened to her stories. Majority say that curing cancer using the technique is going a little too far for being true. There is even no cure for cancer so most are doubtful that a natural activity can just end it. This is why her believers are not that huge of a number.

Given with the task to bring vibrant hopes to other people, the practices may actually work for several others. If nothing has worked so far, she would not have received believers so far. Who knows maybe a miracle was behind the activities. Clearly, one thing can happen to others and some cannot. Just lay low and accept that the best lesson there is to learn is by having to do anything instead of nothing.

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