Soul Conversations Are Good For Everyone

By Marci Nielsen

Fortunately everyone living around the globe will have a chance to speak with people who have different religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds. It is always good when people are able to have soul conversations with one another even if they have different opinions. True Christians will want to save the body and spirit of individuals who have taken the wrong path while black Americans will usually talk about movie and radio events which are currently on.

When religious individuals meet with one another they are always concerned about the evilness which goes on within this world. Christian parents will often tell their children that the Devil will get them if they misbehave and their spirit will go to Hell once their life is over. At times these parents may try to save their offspring lives by sending them to Bible School or a camp which teaches them about Jesus.

A female Georgia resident would always sign her girls up for a Bible Study organization which took place during the warm months of the year. These teens would learn how to draw and create projects that focused on religion and faith. During the daylight hours the group would walk over to a local church and have a prayer meeting before eating their breakfast. Everyone within the group really enjoyed these outings.

It is no secret that many of them were afraid to die and they wanted to live for all eternity upon this planet. In reality this group knew that God was a mystical being who could not correspond with human beings on a daily basis. These young ladies also tried to organize a religious group adventure for the adults in their lives.

Female senior citizens living around the Florida area are also concerned with many tragedies that are going on within the free world. This group of people think that they are closer to death and need to make everything perfect before leaving this planet. Quite a few of them had already become widows and were now living alone in their big houses. One lady in particular was wishing for the day that she could join her late husband.

The pastors at different churches will discuss this particular topic every Sunday after church has ended. They are always looking for ways to save the teenagers and other troubled human beings from destruction. Sometimes these people are able to make a huge difference in someone's life.

On the other hand many black people in certain communities will have these discussions while they are watching television shows like "Good Times" or "Roc." The audience members will critique the style and fashion of the actors who are appearing onscreen. At other times black people will listen to music and have conversations about the things that are happening around the black community.

The United States has recently had many of these conversations coming up sine there is such a racial divide within that country. Black women are being brutally beaten by law enforcement officers while black males are shot to death when they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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