No Integrity? No Life

By Evan Sanders

When nobody is looking, who are you?

Are you the same person that you present yourself to be when you are with others?

Without integrity we lose our ability to truly learn and take advantage of all that life has to offer us. Our relationships suffer, our body suffers, we don't perform as well in the work environment and most of all we can't trust ourselves. Keeping to our integrity and being the same person as we always are is one of the most important building blocks of life.

Without our integrity, we can't trust ourselves at all which is a massive tragedy. Without being able to trust in ourselves how can we truly grow and develop into the person we want to be? We can't.

How do you live a life with integrity?

When you say you are going to do something, make sure it's already as good as done. When you talk about yourself, truly tell the facts. When you make promises, keep them. And among all of that, focus on the little details, because while they're the small aspects of life, they demand your attention and respect. If you can get the tiny things right, you are setting yourself up to get the large things right as well.

Sometimes however we are going to break our integrity. What do you do in that situation?

Always admit to your mistakes. Don't wait for someone else to bring it up. Instead, beat them to the punch and tell them exactly why you are sorry for what you did and how you are going to fix it. It's amazing how many people will forgive you for being so forthright and honest about the situation.

It is a million times easier to be open and honest about your mistakes than to try to cover them up completely.

So build some serious integrity in your life and begin following through with your word. Not only will your life change, but your relationships will change as well.

Because without integrity, we really are nothing.

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