The Frying Pan Of A Happy Life

By Evan Sanders

Step out onto the street and ask 100 people what their main goal in life is they will probably give you an answer regarding the well known idea of happiness. But what does it actually mean to live a happy life? How can we really create a deeply happy life on such an emotion that is as fleeting as any other emotion in the book? I mean, in theory this sounds like a really great idea...but how is it actually done?

When we are happy, we are just happiness in of itself. We don't make an attempt to do anything with it or attempt to be more cheerful, we just are that way. But oh when we are unhappy, upset , or sad, we try and do all kinds of things to get ourselves out of it. We attempt to kick the feeling, manipulate it, and exit out of it as speedily as we can. Even worse, we attempt to ignore those uncontrollable emotions and rise high above them as if we could create that kind of ladder for ourselves.

There's serious danger in this because if you make a false ladder of ascension, you will inevitably come across life's wonderful way of ripping the rug out from beneath you at the most inconvenient time, and you will attempt to take a step backwards on the ladder rung below, only to uncomfortably find that it's not there. Where are you headed? Straight to the bottom. Bam. Flat on your back.

So what can we actually do?

Court a little bit of chaos and craziness in your life. Start diving into the parts of your life that won't be the best places to go. You know, that place called the past, especially the places that hold negative memories. The secret is to get your hand close enough to the frying pan to feel the heat and not burn yourself. You should also prevent yourself from staying so far away that you cannot feel the heat remotely. If you can find this middle ground in the darkness, staying very close to the negative emotions without being consumed by them, you'll find out some pretty engaging things about yourself.

Chaos and a little madness... those are good things. You want that energy flowing through you, and if you can harness it and create art with it, whatever that art might be, the possibilities are unlimited. Many think that only good places create good emotions. Nevertheless, true happiness, love, compassion, those all significant characteristics we'd like for ourselves, can come from the darkness, chaos, and a little bit of madness. We believe that darkness only implies darkness. But could there be the presence of light, joy, and positive aspects even in the roughest moments of our lives? I would have to say yes.

Maybe we should not be searching for this concept of happiness in the slightest. Maybe... we should really be wanting to dive within ourselves as much as possible and come to places of understanding and compassion. When we are open to all things, actually open to life's limitlessness, then anything can happen. When we are O.K with that fact, things start to get ridiculously exciting.

Just a thought.

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