The Tactics Of The Sincere Warrior

By Jackie Warrior

Let's be honest about what is taking place right now. You know that you are not being truthful with yourself, but you are in denial. Being a sincere warrior is not only intimidating, it is frustrating because of the inner work that needs to be done. Growth is painful, but it is necessary in order to accomplish great things and this means being honest about who you are.

The first thing to remember is that honesty begins with you. Sometimes the wars that have to be fought are those that are within. Not everyone understands this because they are only concerned with what is taking place around them. They are concerned about living up to a particular image and making sure that no one sees who they really are.

Someone from his past saw him and pointed out to him that he was not the same person he knew from years ago. This revelation exposed him to everyone, revealing his real self to a world that only knew his deceptions. He thought that this was the end of his life, but in a strange way, this visitor from his past caused him to question what he was doing.

He decided to speak the truth moving forward from that experience. It was rough at first, but when he decided to become the warrior he knew he was, things began to change in a positive way for him. Through this period of struggle, he was able to look at himself in the mirror again and have peace within.

They appreciate the fact that this individual is not trying to cheat them in any way. As a result, the warrior is trusted by them. They notice that you can be honest and truthful but at the same time be graceful. However, it is not possible to please everyone, and there are those who will try their hardest to bring down those who are trying to spread positivity.

Many times you might want to be a positive influence in the lives of others and make an effort to spend time with those who are living in a negative state. You sincerely believe that you are doing the right thing, but there is the danger of falling prey to the corruption. As a warrior, it is important to always be on guard and to protect your energy.

It is best for the warrior to keep their distance with the understanding that in time they can change if they chose to do so. They understand that being truthful is not only about speaking the truth, but it is also about living it as well. By living well, others will be able to see the light as a guide for their own lives.

The path of truth involves every single aspect of your life. It is not just about what others see or hear from you. It is more so about what you see and hear in yourself and the steps that you take to grow and be better each and every day.

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