Tips In Reporting Unethical Treatment By Psychotherapist

By Aimee Schwartz

Mental disorders are suffered from by some people. These conditions are wanted to be gotten rid of so medical practitioners are being sought by them. Their situations can be eased by these professionals.

However, there are times that these professionals may also inflict them harm. For this, the patients should report unethical treatment by psyhotherapist immediately. There are some factors that they should consider when they do so.

Warning signs might noticed by the individuals when harassments are experienced. Sexual stories or joked might be told by the practitioners to the patients. Seductive looks might also be given to the clients. The sex lives of patients might also be excessively discussed by them. Their body parts might also be intimately touched. Their clienteles might even be hugged, touched, sat close to, or even lied next to.

Special treatments might also be experienced by the individuals from these practitioners. Dates or social activities might be asked for by the professionals. Expensive gifts or bouquets of flowers might also be received from them. Sweet words might also be heard from the therapists. There are also cases where the personal secrets of the therapists will be confided with them. Their business policies might even be changed just so their clients can be accommodated.

The individual could be doing several methods in reporting the incident. First, he could be going with an administrative action. A practitioner typically receives his license from a licensing board. This license allows him of practicing his profession and rendering his service legally. If the patient will be filling a complaint and submitting it to the board, the authorities could be suspending or even revoking the license of the therapist.

They can also go with professional association actions. Most professionals have memberships with certain associations. These associations typically establish codes of ethics that all of the members should follow. After they file their complaints with these associations, certain officers will conduct investigations. Once they prove that the therapists are guilty, they will remove them from their associations. However, the accused will still be able to render their services although they now possess bad reputations.

Civil actions can also be gone with by the individuals. With the options, civil charges can be filed in courts and money can be sought for damages. Before such will be done, good lawyers should be looked for as representatives of the cases in courts. The best options for the undertaking can also be suggested by these legal practitioners. Media circuses might also be engaged by the clients especially if these therapists are famous.

They can also go with criminal actions. These actions are usually appropriate for those who had sexual contacts with the practitioners. They can contact their local law enforcement agencies and officers will investigate their cases. When they find enough evidence, they can charge criminal cases against the practitioners and serve them with penalties such as fines or prison times.

Whatever actions will be gone with, the durations which these complaints can be filed, their statute of limitations, should be taken note of. The statutes usually last for half year from the incidents. These relationships should not be endured for long time periods.

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