Finding The Best Therapist For You

By Joanna Walsh

Each therapist may not be right for every person or every problem. It depends on many factors. During the first appointment it is usually easy to tell if it is the ideal situation. For someone needing a therapist beverly ma has many qualified practitioners.

Patient and counselor should both feel comfortable with each other. Any topic of discussion should be possible, no matter how intimate. Regardless of the problem at hand, details may become intimate at any time during sessions.

A patient has the right to ask questions about the counselors educational and experiential background. It is always a good idea to establish specific goals and how long it might take to reach them. Also, there are many therapeutic approaches that may be taken by any one of the therapists in Topsfield, MA.

Psychoanalysis, now used infrequently, can stretch on for years. This may provide interesting discoveries of memories from childhood and may be a way to trace current dysfunction to a specific event from the past. It is going to be expensive and time-consuming.

Most people want to understand and overcome their dysfunctional behaviors in a more timely fashion. Cognitive Behavioral therapy is an approach that does just that. The behavior that is currently interfering with the patients normal daily activities is first considered. Then, a plan to overcome it is put into motion.

Talking with a counselor means anything you discuss in that office is confidential. Nothing can be disclosed under normal circumstances. Your therapist should be ethical in all ways. That includes not making physical contact and putting a stop to any physical contact initiated by the patient. The counselor is responsible for maintaining a strictly professional relationship.

Usually referred to as CBT, the cognitive behavioral therapy has time limits and specific goals to be met. Right from the start, the client is working towards the goal or goals. Homework is assigned. If the problem is one of social anxiety, for example, the goal might entail engaging in conversations with others right away.

Another type of therapy, one example being psychotherapy, the question of why the person has social anxiety is explored endlessly. It is presumed that knowing why is going to help resolve the problem. In CBT a client and the therapist might engage in some imaginary discourse to start.

Next, he may be taken to a dog park to observe the animals as they run around. He will keep a safe distance and there will be a fence between them. Following that experience, he may be asked to visit an animal shelter to get somewhat closer to the dogs in their cages.

Close to reaching the final goals that have been set, the patient undergoing traditional psychotherapy would most likely still be talking about dogs and considering encounters with them. The CBT patient is likely to be petting one. Psychotherapy works better for some and Cognitive Behavioral therapy is better for others.

The general concensus is that CBT is a rapid way of overcoming a fear. Psychotherapy is often called talk therapy. It is not, however, as extensive as psychoanalysis in which the discussion might last for years.

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