All About Spiritual Experiences With God

By Iva Cannon

If you are feeling that you are slowly drifting away from Him, then you will have to do something about that. Take note that as a Christian, your faith is one of the things that are keeping you grounded. If you will let go of that, then you will lose your sense of purpose too and that can keep you distracted for a very long time.

First of all, you need to pray in a place where in it will be just you and your God. Spiritual experiences with God are not like plays where in the whole world has to see them. As long as you feel that you are already connected to Him, then that will be the time that you can start pouring your heart out.

Second, you would need to remain humble as much as possible. Yes, you are slightly obliged to keep up with the reputation that you have already built but then, you would have to learn to remain simple when you are with your God. Do not brag about everything that you have done in His name.

Third, confess your sins and repent for them. This is a package that cannot be broken apart. If you will only take the Sacrament of confession for the sake of it, then you are not doing your part in your redemption. You will eventually get back to the life of sin since you will not feel guilty about your past actions.

If you have always been a wallflower in your Church group, then it is time for you to change that. Take note that it is not enough for you to gain knowledge from the Scriptures. You have to go beyond that and see through the eyes of the people who have the same faith as yours. That is how you can strenghthen your beliefs.

You would have to act like your Father is just there beside you. If you would do that, then you would be making sure that everything you do would be in line with His teachings. You would feel guilty when you are about to commit a sin and that would lead you to take the other path instead.

You need to have an open relationship with the minister. Never see this person as a figure of authority alone. Treat Him as your father and ask about the Scriptures if there is something that you do not understand in there. You can even discuss personal issues if you want to.

If you seem to have all the time in the world, then it will be best for you to be in Bible meetings everyday. Human as you are, you need something that will guide you and that is where the Bible will come in. It will give you the strength to resist temptations for you to continue pleasing your Father.

Overall, you just need to realize that there is a Greater Power that is governing your life. You may not understand everything but soon you would. Just continue seeking His approval.

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