Where To Find A Free Self Development Course

By Jerry Stevens

When desiring to enhance a great life, individuals often have a number of options. In one case, completing a self development course can often be a good choice. In addition, there are a number of these courses now being offered by individuals and institutions free through on and offline channels. For example, there are over ten individuals now offering online courses which focus on different areas of life, some which are free and others which have a nominal enrollment fee.

In some cases, courses may only be offered for free on a limited basis. In addition, it should be noted that while the courses are often free, individuals offering such opportunities generally have books, CDs, DVDs and other products and services available at a cost. As such, many of the courses are being offered as a marketing ploy. While this is the case, most do not require a purchase to complete the free course.

Beyond independent individuals offering such classes, online educational programs such as Coursera, edX and Saylor Academy and others are offering free courses with some having certificates available for a small donation to the sponsoring school or University. While edX originally provide Honor Certificates from the sponsoring school for completing coursework. While this is the case, it now appears the Verified Certificate which can be acquired with a donation to the sponsoring University and completing all required work remains the only option.

In most cases, colleges and universities offering courses through these sites have a wide variety of course offerings. In most cases, courses are the same as those provided on-campus and sometimes students attend lectures through online video networks either live or on a pre-recorded basis. As such, individuals can learn and grow a great deal by completing any one of these online courses provided by worldwide colleges and universities.

When it comes to independent courses, these are often provided through a number of different videos and downloadable workbooks. Depending on the provider, individuals may or may not have to complete and return assignments. Whereas, while some provide certificates upon completion, others do not.

It should be noted that there are other methods in which an individual can enhance an already amazing life or better life for the future. In some cases, this can include attending a conference offering different areas of interest, a local workshop or going to a health fair which offers a number of workshops related to body, mind and soul.

Since self development often refers to balancing body, mind and spirit, individuals can often find classes at different churches, community centers, medical centers, hospitals and others whom offer health clinics and courses open to the public. In most cases, these classes are offered free of charge to aid in strengthening the overall community. Whereas, individuals can often learn more about others and oneself by getting out and enjoying local community events.

Ultimately, by attending any of these courses, individuals can often grow personally and professionally. Whereas, getting out to public courses and events can also aid individuals in making new connections and friends through networking with others of the same mind and interests. As such, if a course looks interesting, whether online or off, individuals might want to register and attend.

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