The Major Teachings Of Coward Baptist Church

By Thomas Murray

Christianity started over two thousand years ago in Jerusalem, Israel. It started with only a few followers. However, presently it has billions of followers. The first church at Jerusalem managed to take Christianity far and wide. The Great Commission of Christianity instructs believers to take the gospel to all the four corners of the world. It is only after that has been done that the end will come. Catholicism is the biggest Christian denomination. The second biggest is Protestantism. The Southern Baptist movement is a Protestant movement. The Coward Baptist Church is Protestant in every sense and respect.

There are different Baptist teachings. They all come directly from the Bible. A true Christian believes firmly in the Holy Bible. He believes that it is the inspired word. Scripture was written over a period of thousands of years by inspired men and women. There is no single word of Scripture that can pass without being fulfilled. Prophesies are usually fulfilled.

The Bible starts with the book of Genesis and ends with the book of Revelation. The Book of Genesis documents the creation of the world. Revelation deals with the end of time. On one hand, there is Old Testament. On the other hand, there is New Testament. This is concerned with the new dispensation of things.

The most important teaching of Baptist churches is the teaching of love. It is hard if not impossible to imagine a world without love. Such a world is simply a very dark place to live in. As a matter of fact, love is that bright shining light in a very dark world. Love adds purpose to life. Love is everything.

There is also the teaching of morality. A Christian needs to lead a moral and righteous life. He should avoid sin as much as possible. Sin is a very bad thing. It makes the world to become a bad place. All the problems in the world can actually be attributed to the sinful nature of humans since time immemorial.

A moral person will avoid sin. It is only the righteous at heart that will be able to enter the gates of heaven. The quest for righteousness should be the pursuit of every human being. Of course, every person is born in sin and continues sinning in life. However, there is sufficient grace for all manner of sins.

This is actually the age of grace. That means that sins can be forgiven. All that one has to do is to repent of all his sins. Repentance is not the end of the road. A person should also take the step of being baptized. This will mark the start of a righteous life. One needs to live a life worthy of the baptism.

To grow stronger in the faith, a believer needs to pray without ceasing. A lifestyle of prayer will lead to victory. There are many temptations that stand in the way of a Christian. However, it is possible to conquer all of them through prayer. The importance of prayer must never be taken lightly. Prayer will provide much needed answers.

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