With Business Change Coaching Auckland Companies Perform Better

By Laura Rogers

The way in which business is conducted has changed radically over the past few decades. New markets are opening up all the time and technological advances create new business opportunities continually. It is not easy to compete in this ever changing environment. In order to survive it is necessary to be creative and adaptable. Trends change and so do the demands of consumers. With business change coaching Auckland companies try to learn how to be more competitive.

Many studies have clearly shown that almost all highly regarded and successful businesses employ very strong leaders. These individuals are inspired and inspiring. They believe in themselves, their companies and their employees. As a result, they enjoy the regard and even the affection of the market. The make things happen and never wait for them to do so. They are sensitive to consumer demands and they are able to react quickly to new trends.

Even those people that seem to have been born with a natural ability to lead need some assistance, advice and help become even better leaders. Truly great leaders know that they have faults and they take positive steps to overcome their weaknesses. This is where the services of a coach can be important. He can help his clients to see matters from different perspectives.

Many companies hire coaches, but not always for the same reasons. In some cases they are asked to help promising young leaders to develop to their full potential and to take up more responsibilities in the company. Senior directors and leaders also need help from time to time, however. It is easy to become stagnant and to become ignorant to the new challenges.

Simply acting as a sounding board is another important role that coaches often have to play. Many leaders like to express their thoughts, ideas and visions. They are afraid to do so in front of their colleagues because they may just be exposing themselves to criticism. A coach allows them to actually discuss and explain their particular insights. The role of the coach is to listen and to probe the client to carefully examine his ideas.

Some companies employ individuals in leadership positions that struggle to adapt to new ideas and approaches. Instead of side lining such individuals, many companies hire coaches to help them overcome the resistance to change. The teach them how to deal with uncertainty, how to embrace new technology, how to seize opportunities and how to shake off old, useless methods and practices.

Hiring a coach should be undertaken with circumspect. An inexperienced coach can actually do much harm than good and in some cases coaches try to establish themselves in positions where they exert undue influence upon the people that they coach. A good coach should be utterly objective and he must treat his dealings with his clients as confidential. He must nevertheless establish a good relationship with the people that he coaches.

Coaches have been described by some as charlatans because they do not have to take responsibility for any decisions made by those they coach. Some, critics say, do nothing but to stroke the egos of their clients, making them believe that their ideas and plans are superior. This can turn out to be harmful.

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