How A Voice Over IP Provider Saves Its Clients Money

By Linda Watson

Many businesses are in a very tight spot. Competition is getting fiercer by the day, but the poor state of the global economy also makes it difficult to survive. Companies must save money, but they dare not lower their service levels. Consumers are spoilt for choice and their loyalty go to companies that can satisfy their needs. Luckily, a voice over IP provider can help many companies to maintain excellent service levels and save lots of money at the same time.

Internet based communication is not brand new technology. The capacity to use the internet for communication purposes have been around for some time but the drawback was that users had to have access to the internet. In the past such access was not available everywhere. Now, however, there are hardly any places left where it is impossible to gain access to the internet. This is why internet based communication has suddenly become extremely popular.

For many new clients, the main motivating factor is the promise that they will be achieving significant savings. This promise is indeed true and some companies say that they have saved more than half of their previous communications bills. However attractive the savings are, new clients quickly realize that these systems make an important contribution to the productivity of all employees. This translates into higher profits.

The single biggest drawback of old fashioned systems is the fact that users could only make or receive a call if they were physically present at their desks. If they were away from their desks, callers had to leave messages. This caused delay and low customer satisfaction levels and it chained employees to their desks. Internet based systems are not locality bound. Users can access they system wherever they are.

Older systems required the use of specific handsets. Internet systems allow users to use any device that can access the internet. Users can therefore use their laptop computers, their smart phones or their tablets to communicate. Each user has an account and all records are stored in the cloud. This means that all users information is always synchronized, regardless of which device the user employs at any particular time.

Useful features such as call transferring, voice mail and call holding offered by older systems are still available to users of internet systems. However, they have many more features available to them. They will quickly learn to appreciate voice to email, voice to fax, video conferencing and advanced reporting facilities. These features help them to be more innovative and productive and they are always available everywhere.

Older systems required the physical installation of equipment at every branch, outlet or location. This required a very big initial capital outlay and huge bills for ongoing maintenance. Every installation required a separate operator. Internet systems require only one central installation. There is no need for an operator and the cost of maintenance is minimal. The system is hosted by the service provider too.

No business can thrive, or even survive, without highly effective communications systems. Internet based systems have proved that they can provide superior communication solutions and save users a lot of money at the same time. They have certainly shown a spectacular rise in popularity.

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