Working With Foursquare Churches In Strengthening Your Fate

By Scott Price

God is a kind being. He is kind enough to give you food, family, shelter, and friends. Certainly, not everyone is bliss with these wonderful things. Even so, even when you say that, there is still a part of your life that is wonderful. Surely, thinking about it, that part alone is not something that you want to trade with other people.

Jesus came to the world to offer peace and kindness. Yet, He was tortured and killed by His people. Sadly, though, tons of people all over the world still failed to realize His sacrifices. The judgment day is coming. God is still working even today. Jesus is working. In fact, even now, He sends you tons of invitation. Accept Him with all your heart. In return for His love, you could only do that much. It is your obligation to bow before your God. You are lucky enough that God never views you as one of His mere people. He sacrificed Himself for you. To know more about Him, you might like joining some congregation. There are many of them actually. If interested, check the Las Vegas Foursquare Churches.

For someone to become a disciple of Christ, it is not absolutely required for you to join a specific organization. Everyone has their own way of fighting the battle. Do not worry. From the day you were born, God is already there.

Even if you do not call His name, He still watches over you. He knows your deeds. He knows your weaknesses and even the dirtiest part of your mind. Despite with all of your disgusting actions, He still decided to save you. Jesus saves the sinners by dying on the cross.

Jesus promised it to you. Therefore, believe in Him. If you think about it, it is not really that difficult to trust the Lord. You see, whenever you are lost, He would always be there to give you mercy. He is a friend to everybody. He thinks of you as His family. Certainly, nobody could really tell what the Lord has been thinking right now.

It has been like that ever since the first betrayal took place. Even so, regardless of your circumstances, make sure to change. Stop following such rotten path. If you hate that kind of world, then, instead of becoming one it, think about of changing that world. Surely, that would never be impossible for you.

Learn how to vow. Do not be a spoiled brat. Consider the welfare of the Lord. Follow His examples. Read the bible. In this twisted and tainted world, doing credible acts would never be that easy. Whenever you are trapped or lost, stop complaining. Stop blaming everything on Him.

Do not just let go everything, including the Lord. As a fellow sinner, certainly, nobody has the right to scold you. Even with that, make sure to wake up. Never let your sins destroy your life. Fix it. Jesus Christ believes in you.

Hence, stop holding on it forever. Stop hurting Him. You might not be perfect however you have what it takes to defend the Lord. Depend on Him as a friend and as a family. Stop leaving Him. Avoid doing that. If you like to become a part of His friends, then, trust on Him. He will teach you how.

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