What You Need To Know About Feng Shui Bagua

By Richard Walker

Good fortunes and luck are things that are desired by people of all cultures. For many years, people have adopted the old Chinese concept of the linkage of a person purpose to his surroundings and natural habitat. It is believed that if energies in your living space are analyzed and balance them accordingly, it will lead to an improved quality of life. These invisible forces are said to bond humanity to their environment in a harmonious way. For people looking to apply this concept, it is advised that they use Feng Shui Bagua to balance energy flow in their spaces.

The bagua is said to be energy map that shows the energy interconnections in your life. It is an eight-sided map with eight major like areas that are crucial to a person and are important for the general well-being and quality of life. With this map, you are able to tell the areas in life which are clogged and clustered in order to keep the flow of qi in balance and invite good fortunes to your life.

The eight areas are characterized by symbols, elements, and colors which determine areas of the space that are connected to areas of your life. The first area is the health and family represented by brown and green colors and the element wood. Money and abundance are another areas whose color is green and element is also wood. Another important area is career and life journey which is characterized by water as the element and blue and black colors.

Love and marriage is also a represented area given brown and yellow colors and the element earth. Its direction is southwest. Another crucial area is fame and reputation represented by the fire element and the colors orange, red, purple and pink. It is also referred o as the light giver. Helpful friends and travel is also found on the map and is characterized by the metal element and silver, gold and white colors.

The desire for wisdom and inner knowledge is also one of the eight sections. It is illustrated using brown and yellow colors and the earth as the element. Finally, the eighth area is creativity and children. This area is characterized by the metal element and is assigned silver, gold and white colors.

Once you have a general understanding of each sector and the importance of the symbolism, it can help in design your space to improve these areas. The map is usually aligned together with the layout of the home or office. The lower end is set to face the main front door the center of the bagua is the heart of the household.

There are areas that might be missing in the energy map and it is important that they are adjusted accordingly for a harmonious feng shui to be created. The missing areas may cause problems to their corresponding life areas and it is important they are rectified.

This concept has been used in interior design for a long period of time. It has been believed to bring opportunities to businesses and improve quality of life of families. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of using this energy map to balance this energy is commonly referred to as qi.

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