What Do You Understand By Geopathic Stress

By Donald Burns

Geopathic stress is a name christened to harmful effects of destabilized electromagnetic fields coming from the earth. Study has revealed that when a persons body is exposed to these harmful rays for a long period, it can end up causing cancer and weakening the immune system. When shopping around for real estate property, it is crucial to take into account the energy that is coming from the land on which your house is built to avoid these effects.

Some of the artificial disturbances that are known to facilitate earth pressure include the following. They are mining, public utilities like sewers, underground transport systems, foundations for very tall buildings and others. When it comes to the natural disturbances, the following are the major culprits.

If you sleep above this zone, you will notice that you might be suffering from lack of enough sleep which is insomnia, you might wake up very irritable and tired. Earth stresses may not always be known, but effects are very much felt where the harmful earth rays are. Some houses will always be found to be gloomy with an atmosphere that you just cannot figure out and, this is sometimes called negative energy.

Since we spend a significant amount of time of our lives sleeping, the earth stresses can affect our bodies, and it is sure to harm. The stresses in itself does not cause any disease but, it significantly lowers the immune system, and you become prone to infection from viruses and bacteria. Your body will be unable to repair body tissues while you are sleeping and you will not have your nutrients absorbed properly in the body.

Scary as this sounds, there are fortunately tools available to deal with the effects of earth stresses and eliminate it. Early recognition is key. A good place to start is by keeping your body's vibrational energy as high as possible. How can you do this? Be vigilant of the early signs of stresses. Notice if you are feeling more stressed out in certain places. Don't let your problems get out of hand. Instead, nip them in the bud. You can do this simply by learning an energy technique which helps to re-align the vibrational energy in your system.

Taking earth acupuncture is one other effective technique. Piercing lengths of copper pipes or iron rods into the earth works out well, even though it can be fairly pricy treatment. Feng Shui and clearing space helps to rid us of the harmful earth rays if they are done in thr right way. None among the methods mentioned are permanent solutions. The best cure is to move yourself from the environment of the stress itself.

Today, any home owner can find out whether their house is situated in a disturbed zone, by using the aid of expert dowser. We can also look to Feng Shui (an ancient Chinese notion) that comprehends these abnormalities and expresses them in Chi (healthy energy) and Sha Chi (unhealthy energy).

For those who are concerned about being in zones that have this problem, you can consult geobiologists who are the specialists trained to locate zones that could take away your well being. There are so many questions that you might not find answers to regarding how these rays affect people but, you can definitely find out what specialists have already found out as stated above. But you can be sure not everything has been explained.

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