Factors To Consider Before Joining A Non Profit Volunteer Organization

By Janet Wood

Many organizations that run humanitarian causes often recruit volunteers to assist in their operations. Usually, these operations revolve around saving lives during natural disasters or even elevating suffering among the less fortunate. Whether it is battling the rugged terrain of mountains or serving the poor in the society, anyone considering joining a non profit volunteer organization must make sure that they are fully committed to the cause.

It is important to know the core values of the institution you want to work with. Your personal beliefs must be aligned to vision the organization. This is because where there is no monetary reward, the only thing that can keep you committed to a cause is your faith. Therefore look for a cause you can commit to and work without being paid and still be satisfied.

Many times when people apply for positions in organizations, the motivation is how they will benefit from the institution. Very few people think about what they will give out to the employer. Perhaps this is the reason why many employees hop from one company to another in search for better pay. Unfortunately, when volunteering, you will need to know upfront what value you can add to the organization. This will help you know when your volunteer time is over as you will have finished your mission.

Young volunteers serving in the areas of their profession stand a good chance of gaining work experience. With such portfolios, these young professional will find it easier getting hired compared to their peers who never volunteered.

Some causes are physically demanding. This requires that applicants be physically fit for them to qualify as volunteers. Others require certain minimum technical skills. It is wise to understand what the requirements are for the cause of your interest. This helps you know what you need to do so that you can meet the requirements of the selection process.

Work and family commitments keep people busy until they miss important opportunities to touch lives of others. Volunteers must confirm that they are available for the tasks before them. This commitment calls for volunteers to work extra hours and often sacrifice important events so that they can help others. However, this does not translate to neglecting your duties. So, only sign up with a non profit institution if you are sure that neither your family nor career are at risk.

Join an institution which is close to your home. It will be easier for you to access your volunteer work station while attending to your career responsibilities. Often, relocating to a new area may require you to seek work transfer and look for a new school for your kids. Your spouse will also be affected by the move. It is advisable to make a decision that will cause the least change to your current life.

Some of these challenges make volunteering to causes impossible for many people. However there are many ways they can get involved. These include the donation of money and personal possessions that may be needed for operations of the institution.

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