Some Aspects Of Intimacy Therapy Bethesda Couples May Wish To Know Of

By Raymond Green

To most people, the term sex therapy has mainly a negative connotation. They associate it with a dysfunctional sexual relationship between couples. While this may be somewhat true for a small proportion of couples. Many other couples in what would be considered normal intimate relationships seek the service. There are a number of important things on intimacy therapy Bethesda couples need to know of if they intend to benefit from the service.

There are different types of intimacy related disorders that exist. They include performance anxiety, reduced sexual desire, premature ejaculation and failure to get satisfaction for one or both couples. In many cases, these disorders co-exist. The therapist tries to develop tailor made solution based on the specific couple and the exact problem or set of problems that they are faced with. It is important that the partners cooperate with the therapist and with each other if the prescribed solution are to work.

The therapy is usually short term and the average couple requires about ten sessions. The first session is introductory in nature where the therapist gets to know what the problem is. They also interview the couple to understand their thoughts and perceptions about intimacy. Since there are many medical conditions linked to intimacy disorders, it is common for the therapist to refer the couple to a medical doctor who will try to rule out the presence of any such conditions.

Research has shown many of the affected couples are often lacking in knowledge regarding sexual education. Affected individuals usually know very little about the sexuality of the opposite sex. The therapist will usually dedicate one or two sessions to educate the couples and fill this knowledge gap. They use books, psycho-education and other teaching aids.

It is important that sexual dysfunction be viewed as a collective responsibility affecting the couple rather than assigning the problem to one of the partners. When working as a unit, the couple is more likely to overcome the challenge than if it was to be left to only one of them. This is especially true for performance anxiety where one may feel that they are not up to the task of meeting the expectations of their partner.

Effective communication is vital to the success of the therapy. As a matter of fact, couples who do not communicate effectively are likely to have degree of dysfunction in their intimacy. For sexual relationships, a significant part of communication is non-verbal. Couples are taught how to read the body language of their partners in a bid to improve on their communication.

Lifestyle changes are required in some cases. One of the lifestyle issues that affects sexual performance negatively is stress. Couples should identify any stressful situations in their lives and avoid them as much as possible. Long or odd working hours are a common source of stress among married couples. Readjusting schedules so as to help those affected have quality time with their partners is needed for such cases.

Sexual dysfunction affects a significant number of couples to varying extents. Problems may affect one partners or both but is important that it be considered as a collective problem. A therapist helps to identify the underlying issues and helps guide the couple to a more fulfilling relationship.

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