Help For Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities

By Jerry Murphy

Developmental (intellectual) disability have traditionally been referred to as mental retardation. Due to the stigma associated with this term, advocacy groups have pushed for the adoption of the current alternative names. The condition manifests as varying degrees of cognitive impairment and maladaptive behaviors. In order to be better placed to help individuals with intellectual disabilities in Portsmouth, VA, there are a number of things that we need to understand.

The cause of most of the cases of developmental abnormalities remains unknown. However, it is believed that genetics, social influence and the environment play a major role. Many of those affected are considered to have the mild form of the condition. They have an IQ score of between 50 and 70. As they grow up, the children will exhibit some deficiencies in cognitive skills and social behaviors in the classroom but tend to be fairly normal outside the classroom.

Children considered to have intellectual disability should not be mixed with typically functioning peers. There is a cognitive gap between the two groups and the child who has disability would always have to play catch-up if they were to be taught together. Due to the limitations that exist among these children, teachers need to adopt methods that will help affected students get life skills at the very least. The emphasis should be on self-care and hygiene, vocational training, money concepts, time concepts, and leisure activities among others.

Accommodation is needed to enable persons who have special needs gain meaningful employment by providing some form of assistance. The extent of assistance varies depending on the degree of the problem. Some of the facilitative activities that can be undertaken include providing assistance in the area of reading and interpreting literature in the event that such a deficit exists. Other ways in which this can be achieved is through direct demonstration of job skills and making interviews more practical and less theoretical.

In adulthood, many of them lead independent lives. The main problem is that many are unemployed or underemployed in spite of their desire to take up jobs. There has been significant discrimination over the years with regard to the hiring process in many companies where applicants known or perceived to have special needs are discriminated against. This has slowly been changing thanks to efforts by advocacy groups.

In the event that they make a decision to hire any such persons, employers should hold all their medical information in confidence. A few exceptions exist however. For instance, the information may have to be divulged in case of an emergency that requires treatment. It may also be given to insurance companies if claims are to be made.

During a job interview, asking about whether a prospective employee has intellectual disability is considered an act of discrimination. Asking for qualifications or job experience is, however, acceptable and one may easily discern the fact that the applicant has a developmental disability. If the prospective employee decides to disclose the information voluntarily, the employer can ask about the kind of accommodation that they would need.

Employers need to be actively involved in preventing harassment. There are many strategies that can be used to achieve this. One of them is to have a written policy that describes how other employees should work with them and spells out the consequences of harassment. Other methods that can be used include organizing regular meetings to discuss the issues, periodic training of managers and the preparation of handbooks.

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