How True Lover Tests Evaluate Relationships

By Nancy Gardner

Love is a part of the human experience. It brings with it feelings of bliss and a dreamy outlook. People are so preoccupied with love and being in love that they seek many ways of determining who is meant for them or who is in love with them. True lover tests are among the methods used to pass the time and sometimes to test the mettle of another person's affection.

Many people confuse love with infatuation. Infatuation though, is temporary even though it is quite intense. The fact that infatuation is short-lived makes it important for those who are experiencing it to avoid making any long term decisions. But without the assistance of methods such as these instruments, they are usually unable to identify the experience as infatuation. This is especially true of teenagers, who are commonly associated with periods of infatuation.

Deciding to spend your time, and sometimes your entire life with someone else is no simple feat. This is a decision that can prove to be catastrophic if the partner is not truly in love with you, or if you yourself are not genuinely in love with the person. This is why long term commitments often bring on feelings of anxiety. Some of this anxiety can be eliminated when a compatibility test proves that the relationship stands on firm footing.

These emotion gauges usually comprise questions. The questions are centered on behaviors and expressions of emotions. They are designed to elicit information about the feelings of the subjects for each other. The potential answers to the questions are valued numerically and the total value of the answers checked fall into one or more range or categories. These categories explain the state of the love or the relationship.

Often found in magazine publications, these tests are popular as a means of passing the time. People complete the evaluation sheets in doctor's offices as they wait to be seen. They also complete them as they sit in their seats on a flight or bus traveling from one destination to another.

They may also be found online, which is not surprising fact given the popularity of virtual activities on the internet these days.Pretty much everyone is using online sources for entertainment, information and money making purposes. The online versions of these assessment tools are typically interactive in nature. They allow the test takers to input their responses to the questions which are then automatically tallied. The response is also automatically generated. As a result of this swifter, automated method, users can take as many of the tests as they would like to.

Relationship experts often use these along with compatibility tests to evaluate the strength of a relationship. In so doing they are able to provide their clients with informed advice and recommendations. This increases the success rate of their services as they are able to make logical predictions about relationships that are likely to grow and those that are likely to fail.

Love is a pretty unpredictable thing, for the most part. You never really know when it is coming your way or for how long it plans to stay. Testing the verity of your love using these instruments is one of multiple things that you can do to safeguard your heart. It also helps to prevent the heartache and disappointment that comes with failed relationships.

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