The Way Hypnosis By Phone Work

By Dean Cusick

Hypnosis by phone works by helping you move your conscious mind out of the way so your unconscious mind can learn new ways of coping and unlearn old, outdated habits. The techniques are scientifically tested and proven helpful in surgery, dentistry and even labor and delivery. People often turn to hypnosis to change habits or learned behaviors such as overeating, smoking or addictions. Unlike common media portrays of hypnosis, true hypnosis only works with your consent and you will only do things that meet with your approval. In other words, you will only quack like a duck if you want to quack.

Problems like additions and maladaptive behaviors arise when we fail to let go of these habits and beliefs when the threat is gone. Hypnotherapists help us clear out these outgrown beliefs and habits by teaching the subconscious mind that the threat no longer exists.

The conscious mind is like the gatekeeper in our brain, keeping out bad suggestions and letting in good ones, after duly examining and analyzing them. Once a suggestion enters the subconscious as a visualization or vision, that part of the mind accepts it as true and changes you make because of the hypnotic suggestion require no willpower. Hypnosis is about empowering you to make these changes in yourself with the help of a trained guide or re-programmer.

Many people routinely listen to visualization or meditation CDs, or listen to music on their MP3s and are used to listening with headphones (we suggest our phone clients use headphones for their session, if possible). This familiarity can help the session progress faster and headphones help block out distracting noises, helping the client focus in on the hypnotist's voice.

Scientists think this occurs because the hypnosis trance turns off the more analytical left brain and allows the less analytical right brain to be more active. Thus, the subconscious mind is more awake. Deeper instincts become active and those instincts and beliefs can be altered or erased entirely.

You can choose a hypnotist that is not local. You have a choice of hypnotists, nationwide. For those people in small towns or far from a local hypnotist this is a great benefit. Or if you have not been able to find a local hypnotist that you feel comfortable with, this is a great option and expands your selection considerably.

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