Human Beings Wonder Can God Hear Me

By Karina Frost

Life is such a mystery and many human beings often wonder how did we even get on this planet. I often wonder can God hear me at my most distressful times. Is he/she just sitting within the sky and laughing at me and all of my other sisters and brothers who are having problems. It seems that many individuals enjoy being cruel to others and they are never punished for this particular crime.

It really affects me in a negative way whenever I think about all of the poverty within this world. Unfortunately there are so many people who have great wealth and they are not willing to help their fellow man get ahead in life. Whenever someone is driving down the street they will encounter an individual who is holding up a sign that is asking for help.

I am the type of person who will often stop and give this sad human being a few dollars out of my pocket. Other individuals will just ignore them and keep driving as if they did not exist. Sometimes I will find myself praying for these people and wonder if a great force within the universe will listen to my pleas. Unfortunately my prayers are never answered since this problem still exists.

Anyone who is living in America knows that a talented person can pray all the time and never become famous. Unfortunately it has been decided that all of these singers, dancers, writers and actors will take a back seat to people who are already rich. Famous people often come from a long line of other famous individuals. Nepotism runs strong within the United States.

These talented folks will eventually have to give up their dreams of success. They will be able to find work at Burger King or some other type of fast food environment. Everyone one with common sense knows that the higher power does not make dreams and wishes come true for ordinary humans.

The world is filled with certain hateful individuals who do not like or associate with anyone who is not like them. You may not be able to get a job if you are not the right color. Sometimes sexual orientation plays a great part in a person's success or failure. Homosexuals around the world are often discriminated against especially if they are black males.

It seems as though this high and mighty power is only interested in helping people who display the correct color and sexual orientation. All other people are left on their own to obtain success. If an individual with influence does not like a person they can assassinate their character on every level. Sometimes it is very difficult to behave good when everything you receive is bad.

Personally I do not think that this great almighty spiritual being even listens to anyone's prayers since the balance of power is so unfair. But as time goes by we all learn to accept the realities of life and try our best to survive.

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