Popular Stereotypes About The Native American Culture And Native American Regalia

By Steven Reed

The native American culture is one that needs to be embraced throughout the world. Although there are some that have their concerns, in this day and age, things are so modern that there should never be an opportunity to hold grudges and miss out on the beauty. These are some of those native American regalia.

One of the reasons why so many people are against getting to know the ethos is mainly because the people are known to be lazy. Not just lazy as in laying around but it is sometimes as though there is no motive. So, they would rather repeat a class a few times than to study and pass it the first time. They are regularly failing classes.

They receive benefits that no one else does. This is the most untrue statement to make. Yes, they do receive benefits but so does everyone else. Single mothers, veterans, pensioners and others also do. This also goes way back into a time where the governments made arrangements to offer them education and more, in return for their land. This has nothing to do with the people.

No, their houses are not filled with so many spiritual items that they can t move, or that if you enter, you will die. They probably do have the items that are of value to them but their homes are not going to look any less normal than yours do. These values are also something that was passed on and taught them which is why you will still see some items but not more than usual.

In today s world, how often do you see a parent tucking their kids in and reading them a storybook? Similar to what you see in movies. This is very rare so why bother if these communities do it? Yes, they come with many stories to tell but this is mainly because they were told by their parents and grandparents. In return, it is being passed on to their children.

A popular one is that this group is quite the alcoholics. Well, so what right? There is no ethos in the entire world that doesn t drink. The people who don t, usually don t due to personal choice or illness. As for the rest, if they could, they would probably crack open a bottle with the natives. Also, alcohol is a choice that everyone makes and it shouldn t be a reason to not join them.

Being different is something that others tend to shun because they don t know how to do the same. They stick to what they believe in and it doesn t matter what others say about them.

With a little research, you can learn a lot more about them as well as what you can do to not offend them but rather, become more knowledgeable. The one mistake that many makes are that they tend to speak in a past tense. They always reference what has happened back then instead of focusing in the now.

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