For Personal Christian Life Coaching CO Residents Do Not Have To Look Far

By Sharon Carter

Modern life is not easy and nobody needs to be told this. It is especially difficult for devoutly religious individuals and Christians, amongst others, are struggling to reconcile the demands of modern life with their belief systems. For them, there can be no compromise of their faith but they still want to succeed in this increasingly worldly environment. But with Christian life coaching CO citizens find that they can achieve some balance between the many demands made upon them.

Christians are not infallible and they are also sometimes overcome by doubt and their own personal problems. When they need professional help, they often shun formal psychological counselling because they want to find answers within their faith system. This is why so many of them choose coaches that clearly profess to have a Christianity approach to their work.

Coaches that profess to be Christians use the Bible as their approach to help their clients grow. They believe that the Bible contain all the answers to all the maladies that can possibly afflict mankind. In fact, they believe that the Bible should be the only source of advice and counselling for any believer. These coaches therefore focus on helping their clients discover answers to their problems in the Bible.

While coaches lead their clients towards the Bible to find answers and solutions, they nevertheless employ modern techniques to help their clients to concentrate, to become calm, to set goals and to formulate plans. All reputable coaches, not just those specializing in Christianity, encourage their clients to formulate very specific plans in order to achieve their goals. There is no conflict between Christian beliefs and modern counselling techniques.

Coaches often play an important role in the lives of their clients and it is therefore important to be careful when choosing one. Apart from the fact that he must use the principles of Christianity as his approach, he should also be able to provide references. Even more important, he should be able to state clearly what his doctrinal inclinations are. Christianity is diverse, with many doctrines and rituals unique to specific sects.

It would be very unreasonable to expect a coach to perform miracles and to produce answers and solutions. That is not what their role is. Their role is to act as guides, to help their clients to explore possible solutions to their questions and problems and to find ways in which to change their own lives in a meaningful and fulfilling manner. The role of the coach is to act as guide and advisor, not as a pastor.

Of course there are those that criticize coaches that use Christianity as their approach. They say that these coaches are charlatans, not qualified to interpret the scriptures. Clients that need such an approach need to rather consult with a qualified and experienced pastor, minister or priest and that they should be careful of being manipulated by coaches that profess to be Christians but that are nothing but false prophets.

Over time, coaching have become a very large industry on its own. Every client has different needs and those that are devoutly Christians cannot be blamed for wanting a coach that will adhere to their own personal beliefs. This is, after all, a personal decision.

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