Interesting Personalities In Christian Sermon DVDs

By Brenda Sullivan

One of the essential ways of developing spiritual maturity is by listening to God's word. God's word does not exist only in the Bible as people can also know his heart desires by listening to inspirational talks and music from anointed speakers. Materials such as Christian sermon DVDs and tracts are also among the things every believer should have in his closet. DVDs that treat the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus Christ should not be left out when buying Christian materials.

Christians should note that it is impossible to please God without faith. This is like saying that it is impossible to go to Heaven without having faith. To have faith in God is easier when one listens to examples from the Bible. A very clear example that Christians can emulate in the Bible is the life of Abraham who in his old age, still hoped that God could do a thing that seemed very impossible in the sight of men.

While Abraham can be considered as an example of faith, Isaac may be a better option to look at when talking about obedience. This is because of his readiness to follow his father up to Mount Moriah for a sacrifice in the absence of an animal. Isaac's obedience even to the point of being laid at the altar is significant in Christianity.

The life of Jacob in the Bible is still something many professed Christians may find difficult to set as an example. Jacob was the man who changed his destiny at Bethel and Peniel after waiting earnestly on God. It was his refusal to succumb that made him scale through and eventually become the instrument for God to bring up the twelve tribes of Israel.

Joseph was second to the last born of Jacob's children. His name is often a reminder for believers to desist from sexual immorality just as he did when Potiphar's wife begged to lie with him. Messages on abstaining from fornication, adultery and integrity can be prepared by using Joseph as a point of reference.

Believers who want to be as great as Moses should not relent in picking up DVDs that treat his life and personality. Moses is known for many things including the release of the Israelites from captivity, fasting forty days and forty nights, providing the Ten Commandments and many more. Studying his life and works can be a way for Christians to have his good qualities.

Samson DVDs talk about many things such as carefulness and perseverance in maintaining God's standard. Samson was gifted in strength and even though it was used to a large extent, the Bible still records that he died with his enemies. Knowing how to keep God's gift intact should be the duty of any believer.

Messages on the teachings of Jesus Christ himself are also rampant on most Christian bookshops and it is necessary to have at least one of such in the home. Believers know that Jesus is the all in all and everything he says is final. The opinions of Jesus about love, faith, offerings and many important virtues can be clearly understood on DVDs.

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