Some Ways On How To Volunteer In Developing Countries

By Dorothy Cook

There are numerous challenges that most developing countries are grappling with. These are found in a wide range of sectors that include, among others, education, healthcare, the environment and the social sector among others. At the same time, there are numerous attractive opportunities coming up in the corporate sector thanks to the tremendous growth that has been seen in these countries. There are a number of things you can do if you plan to volunteer in developing countries.

There are two main ways that one can use to get an opportunity. The first option is where the individual identifies their preferred country. They then make an application to a governmental or non-governmental organization before making the trip. They then visit a government facility or a private organization to apply for a position. The second alternative is to sign up with an organization that will organize your placement (usually at a small fee).

The increased rate of globalization being witnessed in many places in the world means that we have to interact with persons from diverse backgrounds. Healthcare provision is among the areas that have been evolving quite rapidly thanks to this increased diversity. Healthcare workers from the developed countries need to have some knowledge about diseases that have traditionally affected patients in the developing countries.

The healthcare sector is among those that are most receptive to volunteers. This is because qualified healthcare professionals in the developing countries are very few and overworked. The distances that have to be covered by the sick as they travel to get medical attention are often very long. A volunteer working close to the community is likely to help in a big way.

Training of healthcare professionals may also interest you if you are a senior doctor or other healthcare provider willing to pass on some of your skills and knowledge. With a significant number of health care providers only being semi-skilled especially in the most remote parts, regular training becomes very important. These providers need to be impatient with emergency lifesaving skills which they can use as patients are transferred to more comprehensive facilities.

The demand for qualified teachers is still quite high in many countries of Asia and Africa. Although the number of school going students is increasing every year, that of instructors is still quite low. Many of the teachers find it a tremendous challenge to teach the large number of students without adequate instructional materials. Volunteer teachers are almost assured of placement due to this constant need. Some of the subjects where help may be needed include science, mathematics and music among others.

There are many communities in the developing world that still live in impoverished conditions. A good number of cities have sprawling slums where disease and poverty are rampant. The sick have no access to medical care and many only get the proper treatment when their illnesses are far advanced. As a social worker, you can stand in this gap and educate the public on the need for early treatment as well as help them in accessing healthcare.

There are very many benefits associated with volunteering. These relate to both the volunteer and their host communities. While the host community benefits from the services of the volunteer, the latter gains the much needed field experience that helps in career development. There are numerous opportunities for potential volunteers in developing countries.

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