How Counsellors Perform An Alcohol Assessment

By Rosella Campbell

There are a lot of cases wherein people would have alcohol or drinking problems, especially in the city of Minneapolis, MN. It is because of this that patients who are suffering from this type of problem would undergo a complete alcohol assessment. This will help the therapist know as to how bad the problem is.

Now there are three ways that counsellors would actually assess the alcoholism level of a person. Now these three methods are known as the Michigan Alcohol Screen Test or MAST, the cut down, annoyance, guilt, and eye opener test or CAGE test, and of course the tolerance, worried, eye openers, amnesia and cut down or TWEAK test. Counsellors may use any of these tests to know whether a person has a drinking problem or not.

Now the first one was the pioneering screening test as it was created sometime during the early seventies. Now this one would consist on a few questions that would try to make the patient realize himself that he has a problems. Usually, the questions would be more on how drinking plays a factor in person problems like marital problems, work problems, or other personal issues.

The second test that could be used, which is the CAGE test, would follow a process to know how the patient feels about his problem. Now the first question would relate to whether people has asked him to cut down already. The next one would be about whether he has ever been annoyed at the concern people show to him. The next one would be about whether the patient has ever felt guilty after drinking too much. The last one would ask whether one has had eye openers or early morning drinks.

There is also the TWEAK method which is quite similar to the CAGE method but is a little bit more complete. The TWEAK method is composed of letters that serve as abbreviations for the words tolerance, worried, eye openers, amnesia and cut down. By taking a look at these five aspects, one will be able to evaluate the drinking problem of an alcoholic.

The T would first determine just how much alcohol one can consume before he cannot take it anymore. The W would determine if he knows whether there are others who are concerned about him. The E would determine whether the patient would have drinks first thing in the morning. The A would determine whether one would be having blackouts or amnesia. Lastly, the K would determine whether the patient has already had some thoughts of stopping.

Of course if one has to undergo an evaluation, he might have physical problems. So aside from mental treatment, he might need physical treatment too because some of his internal organs are most likely damaged. He would have to undergo an overall physical examination and be given medical treatment.

Of course while medical treatment is given, mental treatment is also given. The first thing one has to do is undergo detoxification and also some withdrawal effects because of it. Now after the process, one has to go back for regular psychotherapy so that his problem will not come back anymore.

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