Taking In The Universe With Reiki Healing

By Helen Hughes

Nature has a sense of humor. The most perfect predator ever created is the feline and there is a variant of that animal that weighs less than ten pounds and can be easily picked up and cuddled by a human being. In the same vein, nature also made a joke when it created human beings. Perfect in almost every way, with bodies that could adapt to every environment and minds that could take advantage of said environment. Then it decided that those minds and bodies should be so frail as to be infinitely breakable. But those minds were also capable of abstract thought and humanity began to wonder about its surroundings beyond how to best take advantage of them. Instead, the human mind got all existential and began wonder about the universe at large and the metaphysical world. That line of reasoning eventually led to reiki healing.

The belief in the existence of universal energy and the belief in the ability to manipulate it is not new. Whether called enlightenment or magic, it has existed in some form or another through various human cultures and religions. But there is a belief to heal with it, that a person can channel chi or universal energy through their hands in order to encourage healing, whether in the physical or the emotional sense.

People from all walks of life choose alternative medicine. Some people turn to it out of desperation, after every single conventional treatment option has been explored, including the experimental, bleeding edge treatments. Other people were born into a culture with a long, rich history and tradition of such beliefs. And other simply fear or mistrust western medicine, either through an experience in the past or through misunderstanding.

Unlike conventional medicine, there is no equipment involved. Aside from the caregiver and the receiver, there is nothing involved. Some people may use candles and beads, but those are purely for aesthetic purposes.

Anyone can become a reiki master. This is because unlike conventional medicines, there is no governing board or sanctioning body of any kind. All that is involved is belief and human hands. In fact, training can be as little as reading a book or watching a video. There may be some schools in the discipline, but learning without instruction can be just as effective as formal schooling.

It should be noted that some people can feel a marked improvement after a session. Some people find that their emotional traumas weigh on them less after a session or a few. It should also be noted that there is no conclusive evidence that such practices consistently yield results.

It should also be noted that there is no definitive proof that healing with reiki works or that reiki itself even exists. Studies showing patient improvement using the healing technique have been, by and large, shown to be flawed. Positive effects can easily be attributed to the placebo effect.

While the placebo effect is all well and good for some emotional scars, it is by no means a substitute for actual physical maladies. In the event of serious illness, an actual doctor should always be the first option. Not the second, not the last, but the first. There is no proof that energy healing works at all. There is however a proven track record for actual medicine.

To some, being born may have been a curse. That is because the universe is so vast and infinite that it cannot hope to be understood or even for a person to find their place in it. So people search for meaning. But that search should never blind eyes to the truth.

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